Precise and detailed monitoring, with a family friendly interface.
Precise and detailed monitoring, with a family friendly interface.
Precise and detailed monitoring, with a family friendly interface.
The Smart Dashboard Project aims to change the way vital signs and patient data are displayed in the NICU to parents and all Health Care Professionals. It will capture all data and offer three dedicated views: one for parents, one for HCPs and a specific one for doctors to use during rounds and patients' evaluations. On the parent’s view the information displayed will focus on their main interests and questions. This dashboard will include relevant information for parents and offer them the possibility to interact with the team by inputting things related to their own baby. Detailed summary statistics and reports will be available on the HCPs and doctors' views.
The Smart Dashboard Project aims to change the way vital signs and patient data are displayed in the NICU to parents and all Health Care Professionals. It will capture all data and offer three dedicated views: one for parents, one for HCPs and a specific one for doctors to use during rounds and patients' evaluations. On the parent’s view the information displayed will focus on their main interests and questions. This dashboard will include relevant information for parents and offer them the possibility to interact with the team by inputting things related to their own baby. Detailed summary statistics and reports will be available on the HCPs and doctors' views.
The Smart Dashboard Project aims to change the way vital signs and patient data are displayed in the NICU to parents and all Health Care Professionals. It will capture all data and offer three dedicated views: one for parents, one for HCPs and a specific one for doctors to use during rounds and patients' evaluations. On the parent’s view the information displayed will focus on their main interests and questions. This dashboard will include relevant information for parents and offer them the possibility to interact with the team by inputting things related to their own baby. Detailed summary statistics and reports will be available on the HCPs and doctors' views.